Equipped with the new, patented EASY-CUT blade activating bars for convenient and safe cutting. Comprehensive SCS safety package: IR light beam safety curtain on the front table; safety cover on the rear table; main switch and safety lock with key; electronically controlled true two-hand operation; 24 volt controls (low voltage); patented safety drive; automatic blade and clamp return from every position; disc brake for instant blade stop; blade changing device with covered cutting edge; blade depth adjustment from the outside of the machine; easy blade and cutting stick change from the front of the machine without removing covers. Hydraulic clamp drive. Clamping pressure infinitely adjustable (min. 250 daN, max. 2000 daN) with optical indicator. Snap-in false clamp plate with optical indicator for delicate work. Foot pedal for pre-clamping or as mechanical cutting line indicator. Optical cutting line with bright and durable LEDs. Electromechanical backgauge drive with precision spindle for exact positioning (backgauge speed: 53 mm/sec.). Fully pro-grammable backgauge control module. Digital display for measurement readout in cm or inches (display accurate to 1/10 mm or 1/100 inch). 10-button key pad for pre-setting of measurement. Memory key for repeat cuts (manual) and additional automatic memory. Three programmable keys for quick setting of frequently needed measurements. Professional control module for storing 99 programs with up to 99 steps each (program runs automatically – with electronic cutting monitor in the program and memory mode). Up to 9 repeat cuts can be integrated into a program as one single program step. Paper EJECT function with and without program mode (advancing programmable). DELETE and INSERT mode for correcting and modifying programs. Automatic measuring correction in case of backgauge displacement. Push buttons for fast backgauge movement (forward and reverse). Electronic hand wheel for manual backgauge positioning with infinitely variable speed control (from very slow to very fast). Integrated calculator. Set function key for reference measurement. Selfdiagnostic system with error indication on display. Electro-mechanical blade drive. Solid steel blade carrier with adjustable guide plates on both sides. Blade made of German high quality HSS steel. Swing cut for more cutting precision. Solid all-metal construction. Stainless-steel working surface for front table. Complete with air table (air jets on front and rear table), practical tool holder and stacking angle. Optional set of side tables (left and right) available at an extra cost.