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All orders are accepted and goods supplied subject to the following express terms and conditions. These conditions may not be modified or varied unless PRINTEX Finishing Services Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “The Company”) agrees in writing, and the Company shall not be deemed to accept such other conditions nor waive any of these conditions by failing to object to provisions contained in any purchase order or other communications from the buyer. No person has authority on behalf of the Company to vary any condition except a Director or the Company Secretary. No binding contract shall be created until the Company has indicated its acceptance of any order in writing or by making delivery or part delivery of the goods.


Where credit terms have been agreed by the Company, terms of payment are strictly net and payable 30 days from the end of the month of invoice. Otherwise, all accounts are payable on demand. No receipts will be issued against payments by cheque unless specifically requested. The Company, as its discretion, reserves the right to charge interest on accounts outstanding beyond the time specified in this condition. The rate of interest shall be 2% per month from the due date until payment is made. The Company can exercise this right in addition to any other rights it may have in respect of the goods or non-payment. Where the contract is to be made or may be fulfilled in payment by separate instalments, delivery of each part shall be made as if the same constituted separate contracts.


If no price is given, the price for the equipment concerned shall be deemed to be the current price ruling at the date of despatch in the Company’s then current published price list. If at the date of despatch, the cost to the Company in supplying the order has increased, the Company shall be entitled to cancel its order in writing within 7 days of receipt of such notice and the contract shall be deemed terminated between the parties.


In the event of any variation or suspension of orders through the buyer’s instructions or lack of instructions, prices may be increased to cover any extra reasonable expenses thereby incurred by the Company.


Any contract shall be subject to the Company being satisfied as to the buyer’s credit worthiness and without generality to the foregoing the Company may, in its absolute discretion having informed the buyer that the goods are ready for delivery, refrain from delivering the goods until such time as the buyer tenders the purchase money to the Company in a form satisfactory to the Company. Prospective customers wishing to open a Credit account are requested to furnish two trade references and one bankers reference. Until the opening of a credit account has been confirmed delivery will not be made unless payment has been received with order or made against the Company’s proforma invoice.


Orders sent in confirmation of telephone instructions should be clearly marked as such otherwise any additional expense incurred by the buyer as a result of duplication of order will be payable by the buyer. Furthermore, the Company will accept no responsibility for duplication of despatch. Any additional expenses incurred by the Company will be payable by the buyer.


The acceptance of the cancellation of an order by the buyer shall be at the discretion of the Company and any such acceptance to payment by the buyer of a cancellation charge representing the Company’s loss of profit on the transaction and any administrative costs involved.


Delivery dates are given in good faith by the Company to indicate estimated delivery times but shall not amount or any contractual obligation to deliver at the time stated. No liability for direct or consequential loss or damage arising from delay in delivery will be accepted by the company.


The Company and the Buyer agree that until the Company has been paid in full for the goods: (i) The goods shall remain the property of the Company and the buyer shall hold the goods as a bailee and be fully accountable to the Company in respect thereof (although the risk in the goods shall pass to the buyer when delivery is made). (ii) The Company as bailor of the goods may recover the goods at any time from the buyer if the Company judges that the amount outstanding from the buyer on the general statement of account between the parties is in excess of the credit limit

the Company is willing to afford the Buyer, and for that purpose the Company, its employees and agents may enter upon any land or building upon which the goods are situated.


All despatch and delivery costs will be charged to the buyer.


Written notification of any shortages, damages or loss of goods must be received by the Company within four days of receipt of invoice.


If the product/part is faulty in any way this must be reported to the Company in writing within seven days of receipt of goods. If the item is a machine, you will need to refer to the warranty clause is paragraph 14. If the product/part cannot be repaired, then it will be replaced. If the product is a consumable, it must be reported in writing within four days showing evidence of the problem. If you wish to return the goods, please see paragraph 13 on Goods to be returned.


Goods correctly supplied may not be returned without the Company’s written agreement. Where goods are alleged to be not in conformity with the Company’s published specification, full details must be given. Credits or replacements (at the Company’s option) will not be issued until defects have been agreed by the Company. In no circumstances will goods which have been used be accepted for credit. Please not the Company reserves the right to modify specification of any products supplied by the Company in line with the Company’s policy of continual improvement. Products cannot be accepted back if they have in any way been tampered with, have the customers logo affixed or are missing vital accessories or components. In the event of the Company accepting back in writing those products or goods, a documentation handling and refurbishment charge of “5% of the VAT exclusive value to £20.00 (whichever is the lesser) will be made. Any products sent back to the Company must be complete with serial numbers, the Company’s invoice details and full details of any faults.


The Company’s liability in respect of all goods supplied by it shall be limited to the benefit of any written guarantee or warranty given to the Buyer by the Company, which shall not be under any further liability howsoever arising and all other conditions and warranties expressed or implied by custom or trade usage are hereby expressly excluded.


The Company shall not be liable for any delay in or failure to perform any of its obligations hereunder if the delay or failure is due to causes outside the reasonable control of the Company. If such delay shall last for more than 30 days, then either the Buyer or the Company shall be entitled to terminate this contract and the Company shall reimburse the Buyer for all monies received in respect of the goods, subject to the deduction of reasonable administrative expenses.


All descriptive and forwarding specifications, drawings and other particulars issued by the Company are approximate only and are intended only to present a general idea of the goods to which they refer and shall not form part of the contract.


In the event of either party committing any breach of contract with the other or if any distress or execution is levied upon the goods of either party or if it offers to make any arrangement with its creditors has a Receiver appointed of its undertaking or assets or any part thereof or, other than for the purposes of a reconstruction or amalgamation without insolvency, goes into liquidation the other party shall thereupon be entitled without prejudice to its other rights forthwith to suspend all further obligations under the contract until the default has been made good and if such default remains outstanding 14 days after notice of such default was given by one party to the other, the party who is not at fault shall be entitled to determine the contract or any unfulfilled part thereof or (if the Company is not in default) at the Company’s option to continue to make deliveries.


All drawings, descriptions and other information, submitted by the Company shall remain the property of the Company, together with the copyright thereof.


Where chargeable, Value Added Tax will be charged at the rate applicable at the date of despatch.


This contract is subject to English Law.